Jak często na budowie uszkadzacie sobie telefony?

« Powrót do grupy: Ciekawe pomysły

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23 września 2017, 10:43

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To akurat częsta przypadłość na budowie, więc z jednej strony warto mieć po prostu starszy model telefonu którego nie będzie nam szkoda na wypadek uszkodzenia, a z drugiej strony też jak najbardziej odporny aby był z niego pożytek.


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16 stycznia 2018, 09:54

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Ja też tak uważam. Telefon trzeba mieć przy sobie, ale niestety często to powoduje nieprzewidziane uszkodzenia. Ale dobry serwis poradzi sobie ze wszystkim. Tutaj https://naprawtelefon.pl/ namiary na taki, gdzie można liczyć na darmową ekspertyzę.

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11 marca 2018, 23:45

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Mi zdażało się bardzo często, dlatego ostatecznie zdecydowałem się na Xiaomi Redmi 5 Plus który znalazłem w sklepie aze.com.pl w fajnej cenie i szczerze powiem, że telefon jest świetny. Dobry system operacyjny i podzespoły (procesor Qualcomm Snapdragon 625, 4GB RAM pamięci i aparat 12Mpix)

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14 maja 2022, 12:14

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Wystarczy zastosować etui pancerne - https://gsm-hurt.pl/54-pokrowiec-etui-pancern e i niestraszne żadne rysy :)

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6 czerwca 2023, 15:38

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Zastanawiasz się, jakie są najnowsze trendy w projektowaniu urządzeń mobilnych? To kluczowe pytanie dla przyszłości technologii. Artykuł na stronie https://taniabonament.pl/3-trendy-w-projektow aniu-urzadzen-mobilnych/ dostarcza wielu przemyśleń na ten temat.

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21 września 2024, 12:11

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When working on construction sites, it's not uncommon for phones to sustain damage due to harsh conditions. Whether it's dust, water, or accidental drops, the risk is high. How often do you find yourself dealing with phone damage in such environments? Share your experiences and tips for protecting your devices. If you need help with writing about your experiences or need guidance on documenting them, consider using StudyProfy for writing assistance!

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23 września 2024, 08:01

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CBSE Class 12 exams are usually held in March, making it essential for teachers and students to complete the syllabus beforehand. Once the syllabus is covered, utilizing CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 from the digital platform of SelfStudys can be highly beneficial. These papers offer a variety of questions, helping you identify your weak areas so you can focus on improving them. You can also learn about the topics that are frequently asked in the exam and master them with the help of these sample papers. Moreover, every question in the sample paper is accompanied by solutions and detailed explanations that help to increase your conceptual understanding.

https://www.selfstudys.com/books/cbse-sample-paper/english/1 2th

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23 września 2024, 08:02

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CBSE Class 12 exams are usually held in March, making it essential for teachers and students to complete the syllabus beforehand. Once the syllabus is covered, utilizing CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 from the digital platform of SelfStudys can be highly beneficial. These papers offer a variety of questions, helping you identify your weak areas so you can focus on improving them. You can also learn about the topics that are frequently asked in the exam and master them with the help of these sample papers. Moreover, every question in the sample paper is accompanied by solutions and detailed explanations that help to increase your conceptual understanding.

CBSE Sample Paper 2024-25 Class 12

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23 września 2024, 08:40

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Introducing Phantom Wallet Extension, an excellent cryptocurrency management tool for Solana and other coins. Knowing how to use Phantom can significantly improve your cryptocurrency experience, regardless of skill level.
Visit Our Website:- Download Phantom Wallet | Download Phantom Wallet Extension | Download phantom wallet extension chrome

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24 września 2024, 17:06

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Visit Our Website:-https://sites.google.com/extension-logi.com/phantom walletextension/home |
https://sites.google.com/extension-logi.com/phantomextension /home | https://phontomchromeextension.wordpress.com/

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