Nawierzchnia z charakterem

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9 stycznia 2013, 15:58

Zgadzam sie: good 0 bad

Dom z takim ogrodem to marzenie, super ekstra ale pewnie też kosztowne jest położenie takiej nawierzchni

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13 stycznia 2013, 20:12

Zgadzam sie: good 0 bad

Dear Sir,
Our company "Pietra Tomor" with its resident in Albania and in Italy, it is exporter of natural slabs
and stone in European countries, such as: Italy, Austria, German, Greece, Czech and Slovak Republic.
- Realization:slabs format and non format, colour: beige, blu, grey, and red.
- Stone: colour - beige, blu, grey, and red; stone hand made; stone kubic shape.
- Starecases: natural surface and non natural surface, calibrated; colour: beige and grey.
- Desky: calibraded surface colour grey, dimenisons: thickness: 2,3,4,5,6 cm, width 140-190 cm,
length 220-300 cm. After that I can send to you photos of our catalogue and price list.
Lets hope in our coperation.
Sincerely Yours
Medi Shaqiri
Address in Albania: Str.A.Frasheri, p.3/3, no.32 Tirana-Albania; Mobil: ++355 682202730
Italy: Via Dei Vestini 3, 66023, Francavilla Almare, Chiety-Italy; Mobil: ++39 3209572149

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