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14 listopada 2011, 12:41

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W zeszłym roku miałam żywe drzewko i zdecydowałam się na białe i srebrne ozdoby. Wyglądała jak przyprószona śniegiem, naprawdę fajny efekt!

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12 grudnia 2011, 18:00

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Ten post był edytowany przez Bronz dnia: 12 grudnia 2011, 18:02
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12 grudnia 2011, 18:02

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Można też postawić na jakieś materiały budowlane Kraków na elewacje, idąc śladem mody amerykańskiej, myślę, ze coś w stylu jakiś szablonów byłoby niezłe

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15 marca 2012, 15:09

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Co mają materiały budowlane do podanego wątku? wracając do tematu to może macie pomysły na ozdoby.... ale tym razem Wielkanocne? macie jakieś niespotykane sposoby ozdób?

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11 lipca 2013, 08:19

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Ja cenię delikatne dekoracje - zawsze stawiam na świeże kwiaty oraz świece zapachowe. Nie lubię, natomiast jakiś bardzo kolorowych dodatków, raczej wybieram stonowane barwy.

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22 października 2013, 12:36

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Znalazłam w internecie fajne ozdoby robione własnoręcznie.
Co o nich myślisz ?
http://www.urzadzamy.pl/zrob-to-sam/dekoracje-i-dodatki/zrob -to-sam-swiateczne-dekoracje-serduszko-na-choinke,9_5343.htm l
http://www.urzadzamy.pl/zrob-to-sam/dekoracje-i-dodatki/deko racje-na-boze-narodzenie-jak-zrobic-kartke-na-swieta-wideo-i nstruktaz,9_8683.html

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11 listopada 2013, 08:19

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Finding this post has anwresed my prayers

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12 listopada 2013, 04:38

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21May 10, 2012 at 9:30 am1641I'm sure you're getting some hate for this rveeiw, Joe there's lots of germans out there, and there's lots of international PB-fans too. I'm not gonna HATE on you, but I'm gonna be critical to some of your bulletpoints:I agree with you on a lot of things. Faces are re-used, AI pathfinding is weird and often bad, combat is at times incredibly frustrating, boss-battles are rather anti-climactic and so on .BUT! Let's flip the coin. Skyrim. You gave it a 10/10.-The game re-uses voices over and over and over again. Even the actors who portray important characters have voices for minor-league bandits too! Why didn't this draw down the experience? Re-using faces is an issue with many RPGs. The original Witcher is the prime example.Don't get me wrong. Risen 2 s over-use of the same faces is not something I condone, I'm just saying it's an often-used trick the devs use to save time in large RPGs that take dozens of hours to complete.-AI pathfinding is atrocious in Skyrim too. Too many times do your followers get stuck in caves, and then you have to go get them later on. You aren't even treated to a marker showing you exactly where you left the follower.You showed an image of you exploiting the AI by fighting a man standing on a table, and he didn't fight back. Well guess what, that's fully possible in Skyrim too. You can stand behind a tiny rock formation or a bent-over tree, and just keep firing at enemies who keep running against the blockade. Don't you believe me? There's tons of youtube-videos on it. Try searching Bethesda AI at its best on YT, for example. User Mupp33n uploaded a video showing how you can exploit the poor AI. Yet Skyrim still got 10/10.-Combat was frustrating as shit in Risen 2. It's too simplified, and it was much better in Risen 1. You're right about it. It's too simple. BUT now, there has been a small patch released. 40mb. That's pretty small, and yet it does great things. It adds a dodge-mechanic, and now you can block *most* monsters' attacks too. SO it's gotten much better now. The flickering is now gone, and a bunch of other issues have been fixed too. Of course, you didn't play the game then, so it's irrelevant. I'm just stating it for those curios. The game IS being patched up, and it's already a much more smooth experience.-Anyway, back to the combat, and back to Skyrim: The combat in Skyrim is repetitive, to put it mildly. You swing and swing and swing until the enemy is dead. It's not BAD combat, it's just repetitive. Sure you can say yeah but you can combine magic and swords! . Yeah well, in Risen 2 you can combine firearms with swords, with voodoo, with dirty tricks like throwing sand in a guy's eyes or throwing coconuts in his head. Risen 2 s combat isn't all that great, but it isn't MORE repetitive than that of Skyrim and most other RPGs out there either. Skyrim's combat isn't BAD, but if Risen 2 s combat helps pull the game down to a 4/10, then Skyrim's combat should alone at least drag the score down to 8/10.-Yeah, you can't steer your ship manually. It's too bad that you don't have that feature in the game. But Risen 2 is an RPG in a pirate-setting, not a pirate-game with RPG elements. Having this feature would be awesome, BUT it's not there and that's not something you should slaughter the game for. Once again, Skyrim: The game is all about dragons. From the early teasers, dragons were the central topic. Dragons are in the game, but how come I can't fly my very own dragon? I CAN'T FLY A DRAGON?! GAME SUX!!!! Not to mention that dragon combat is repetitive and redundant as shit. Anyway, It would be COOL to fly a dragon, but it's just an RPG with dragons in it. It would be cool, but the feature's not there. There's more than enough other features that weigh up for it.See what I'm getting at here? Risen 2 is far from a perfect game. It has issues, and even as a huge Gothic-fan, I'm frustrated and angry at some of the changes from the original game (like no swimming, simplified consolified combat and so on) but giving it a 4/10? Joe, you were solely focusing on the negative aspects of the game. SOLELY. Nearly ALL the issues of this game can be applied to most any other RPG including Skyrim, a game you gave 10/10. Again, Skyrim is a way more polished game (though it was buggy as shit in the beginning too), and it has more content.Now, I'm not saying they should've scored equally. But when both games have many of the same issues, and these issues drag down the overall score for one game BUT NOT THE OTHER, not even a tiny bit? Not even down to a 9/10 then don't you think you're doing something wrong? That you're a tad biased? Or am I way off here?I truly hope you'll reply to my comment (though I understand you sadly might not have time to even see it written here). Feel free to continue this over mail, I would very much like to have a conversation about this with you. A friendly one, of course. 37d7

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16 listopada 2013, 11:33

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a co powiecie o duzej kuli szklanej albo wazonie i światełkach w środku?

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6 grudnia 2013, 14:32

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Ja robię takie ozdoby świąteczne w tym roku
http://muratordom.pl/wnetrza/dekoracje-i-dodatki/ozdoby-na-b oze-narodzenie-stroik-swiateczny-do-wieszania-na-drzwiach,77 _11554.html
http://muratordom.pl/wnetrza/dekoracje-i-dodatki/czas-na-swi ateczne-ozdoby-pomysl-na-niebanalne-bombki-choinkowe,77_1155 3.html
http://muratordom.pl/wnetrza/dekoracje-i-dodatki/nowoczesna- ozdoba-swiateczna-sam-zrob-stroik-na-boze-narodzenie,77_1155 2.html
Postaram się wykonać je identycznie, zobaczymy czy mi się uda :)

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